
  • ArtistT.A. Stanton aka AFO
  • Typeimage
  • Dimensions4 x 3 1/2
  • Price$55

AFO is my writer’s name: Arthur Francis O'Hagan This illustration shows the original stand nearly four feet x three and a half wide. The landscape clearly...

AFO is my writer’s name: Arthur Francis O'Hagan This illustration shows the original stand nearly four feet x three and a half wide. The landscape clearly Detroit's famed sky rise. Of course, the key feature is a 2002 For Saleen Mustang Convertible. The tools: Radiograph Pens (Technical Pens) India Ink Illustration Board 4 feet x 3 1/2 feet With my authenticated signature and print count w/copyright (Unfortunately the Original Prints sold quickly. For much less the price you pay for all signing and counts on the art in a file format. This is the original file to print at a respectable 'Actual Print Shop'.

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