

  • ArtistCorné Akkers
  • Typeimage
  • Dimensions69.4 x 49.8 x 0.1 cm
  • Price$1600

Color Addition This pastel drawing ‘Free Floating Blue Wave Nude – 10-02-21’ is based on a previous graphite pencil drawing ‘Roundism – 19-07-16’. In my art...

Color Addition This pastel drawing ‘Free Floating Blue Wave Nude – 10-02-21’ is based on a previous graphite pencil drawing ‘Roundism – 19-07-16’. In my art statement to that drawing I already explained my motives to render the floating female figure in my roundism style. Lately I am converting some of my previous works in pastel. The question I put myself is if I have to change the composition and the tonality. Surely color comes into play but that does not mean I should let the composition undisturbed. I make mistakes all the time and by some drawings in the past I am deeply embarrassed in retrospective. However, that does not apply to this drawing. It needed only the invention of a color scheme that would match an enchanting depiction. Color Variety Since converting a motif to a larger scale was easy I had plenty of time to experiment with colors. For some reason I felt I had to lay low on the color variety. My last pastel drawing already shows a color palet str

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