
  • ArtistGabriel Chalmers
  • Typeimage

This is my first upload and more featuring this style are sure to come. The picture quality isen't great but I think it gets the...

This is my first upload and more featuring this style are sure to come. The picture quality isen't great but I think it gets the job done. I'm not sure what to do them, so I thought I would showcase them. See if they turned any heads. Anyway, I had an idea...what if 5 characters from different and unreleated franchises banded together in the late 1930s to stop the nazis from awakening eldritch threats. These are heavily influenced by the Wolfenstein video game series and the works of H.P. Lovecraft. This is the first...without much context, Hellboy is making his way out of Neuschwanstein Castle in a world that isen't intirely his own.

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