1966goathead gallery

Art Of The Nude "The nude figure is a tradition in Western art, and has been used to express ideals of beauty and other human qualities. It was central in Ancient Greek art, and a central position in Western. Athletes, dancers, and warriors are depicted to express human energy and life, and nudes in various poses may express basic or complex emotions such as pathos. In one sense, a nude is a work of fine art that has as its primary subject the unclothed human body." LEGACY ARTWORKS I am experimenting with using my printer to adjust self photographs in terms of focus, cropping, blurring and color enhancement. I use my body as a canvas on which to create images that are tending to be abstract art in a way somewhat similar to how Ansel Adams created his art. This abstractions can be so abstract that individual body parts are no longer apparent as a body part. In a way , I'm playing a joke on the viewer.