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About Mike Lane

I am an Artist who uses a variety of media, such as printmaking, (Etching) and painting, photography, as well as drawing. I attended University of East London, where I was able to utilise these different processes. It was at the University of East London, that I was awarded a BA Honours in Fine Art.
In terms of subject matter for my Art, I’m very passionate about environmental issues, such as climate change. My Art aims to raise awareness of this issue, through my printmaking, painting e.t.c.
I particularly like to use printmaking techniques, such as etching. I have experimented with techniques such as Aquatint and Sugar lift. I like to use these methods for expressing my other passion for western cinema and all things “Wild West”. I like to depict images which evoke a sense of abandonment, as well as create a feeling of indiscipline. Etching enables me to explore such narratives in my art.
My Grandfather was a "Silent Movie Western Pianist"in the golden age of cinema after surviving world war 11. My Grandfather was a Gunner in the Royal Artillery until the army decided to transfer hiim the Entertain the troops to help morale.

The development of my art practice began in 1999 when I lived in New Orleans playing in the French Quarter as a blues/jazz musician. The development of my Art practice in the beginning was slow because of my financial hardship, but my interest remained strong and I believed my talent had great potential if encouraged through further encouragement in exhibitions or international competitions or published work. Being a musician, with a particular interest in the New Orleans music scene, I spent some time there, which helped to develop my interest in climate change.
The floods in New Orleans made me want to create Art which endeavours to give people an insight into how important our climate is, and how devastating it can be. The environment issues worried me, and I started to take an interest in climate change because of the levee issue because there was always talk about the levee before the canal burst, but it was only just talk and little was done to prevent the flood.
Art pioneers Helen and Newton Harrison gave me a source of encouragement because I noticed one fact difference of climate change and the War environment after devastating consequences they both looked similar
I very much hope to continue creating Art to raise the issue of climate change


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